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We encourage you to apply for independent funding to come and work with us either as part of the IBA team or in collaboration. The main funding opportunities in Sweden include:


  • Swedish Research Council:

  • The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (FORMAS):

  • Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual fellowships: link


There are also many private foundations that fund projects in specific areas that might be relevant to your work with IBA. Get in touch if you are interested and together we can find the best funding opportunities available and help you with your project application.


We are transforming the IBA into a long term monitoring project and we need your help to take care of one of our traps. By becoming a trap manager you will help us maintain weekly sampling of insect communities in Sweden. To express your interest in becoming a trap manager for IBA send us an email using the contact form below.


Natural History Museum of Sweden
Insect Biome Atlas
Svante Arrhenius väg 3
115 18 Stockholm

+46 0701497322

Thanks for submitting!

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